library work: where is paper I?
(too old to reply)
Phillip Helbig (undress to reply)
2018-12-31 02:35:39 UTC
The paper


@ARTICLE { VDashevskiiYZeldovich65a ,
AUTHOR = "V. M. Dashevskii and Y. B. Zeldovich",
TITLE = "Propagation of Light in a Nonhomogeneous
Nonflat Universe .II.",
YEAR = "1965",
VOLUME = "8",
NUMBER = "6",
PAGES = "854--856",
MONTH = may # jun,
NOTE = ""

is a translation of

@ARTICLE { VDashevskiiYZeldovich65ao ,
AUTHOR = "V. M. Dashevskii and Y. B. Zeldovich",
TITLE = "",
JOURNAL = "Astronomicheskii Zhurnal",
YEAR = "1964",
VOLUME = "41",
NUMBER = "6",
PAGES = "1071--1074",
MONTH = nov # dec,
NOTE = ""

Where is paper I? Usually papers with Roman numerals have otherwise
identical titles. Perhaps paper I is


@ARTICLE {YZeldovich64a,
AUTHOR = "Y. B. Zel'dovich",
TITLE = "Observations in a Universe Homogeneous in
the Mean",
YEAR = "1964",
VOLUME = "8",
NUMBER = "1",
PAGES = "13-16",
MONTH = jul # aug,
NOTE = ""

which is a translation of

@ARTICLE { YZeldovich64ao ,
AUTHOR = "Y. B. Zel'dovich",
TITLE = "",
JOURNAL = "Astronomicheskii Zhurnal",
YEAR = "1964",
VOLUME = "41",
NUMBER = "1",
PAGES = "19-24",
MONTH = jan # feb,
NOTE = ""

I would like to know the original titles of the Russian papers. Perhaps
someone has access to them, or could even point me to an online
version and/or send me a PDF file generated from a scan.

Is the Zel'dovich paper actually paper I?

While I'm at it, there is "paper III":


@ARTICLE { VDashevskiiVSlysh66a ,
AUTHOR = "V. M. Dashevskii and V. J. Slysh",
TITLE = "On the Propagation of Light in a
Nonhomogeneous Universe",
YEAR = "1966",
VOLUME = "9",
NUMBER = "4",
PAGES = "671--672",
MONTH = jan # feb,
NOTE = ""

which is a translation of

@ARTICLE { VDashevskiiVSlysh66ao ,
AUTHOR = "V. M. Dashevskii and V. J. Slysh",
TITLE = "",
JOURNAL = "Astronomicheskii Zhurnal",
YEAR = "1965",
VOLUME = "42",
NUMBER = "4",
PAGES = "863--864",
MONTH = jul # aug,
NOTE = ""

Again, perhaps someone can provide me with the original title and/or
access to the paper.

Unless there are obvious differences in length, my Russian is not good
enough to determine how closely the translations follow the original.
Since two of seven figures in the Zel'dovich paper are not mentioned in
the text, perhaps the translations are condensed.
Dan Riley
2019-01-02 21:26:21 UTC
Post by Phillip Helbig (undress to reply)
The paper
starts out "The present paper is a continuation of [1]"

where [1] is "Ya. B. Zel'dovich, Astron. Zh., 41, 19 (1964) [Soviet
Astronomy - AJ, Vol. 8, p. 13", so I'd conclude that is paper I.

Phillip Helbig (undress to reply)
2019-01-03 02:35:49 UTC
Post by Dan Riley
Post by Phillip Helbig (undress to reply)
The paper
starts out "The present paper is a continuation of [1]"
where [1] is "Ya. B. Zel'dovich, Astron. Zh., 41, 19 (1964) [Soviet
Astronomy - AJ, Vol. 8, p. 13", so I'd conclude that is paper I.
Yes. It is clear that the three form a series. Still, when a paper has
"II" in the title, there is usually a previous paper with essentially
the same title but with "I" instead of "II". I thought that perhaps
the titles had been changed in translation, but that doesn't seem to be
the case. Paper I doesn't mention figs. 3 and 4 in the text. Thanks to
some friendly help, I now have the originals and will check whether
those figures are mentioned in the text. Perhaps this is missing in the
translation, perhaps other stuff is missing. (Things are usually lost
in translation. In this case, something was found in translation: Paper
II, in the original, has a wrong page number in the reference to Paper
I, which is correct in the translation (which cites both the original
and translation of Paper I).)
Phillip Helbig (undress to reply)
2019-01-03 20:36:26 UTC
Post by Phillip Helbig (undress to reply)
Post by Dan Riley
Post by Phillip Helbig (undress to reply)
The paper
starts out "The present paper is a continuation of [1]"
where [1] is "Ya. B. Zel'dovich, Astron. Zh., 41, 19 (1964) [Soviet
Astronomy - AJ, Vol. 8, p. 13", so I'd conclude that is paper I.
Yes. It is clear that the three form a series.
Can anyone here reproduce TABLE 1 from the Dashevskii & Slysh paper
(link above)? In particular, there are two numbers in the table which
seem off by 1 or 2 least-significant digits. One case is relatively
easy to check, the other less so.

Also, what is the last column? In modern notation, rows are for the
redshift of the maximum in the angular-size distance for eta=1 (standard
distance, i.e. completely homogeneous universe) (note that Delta = 1 -
1/(1+z) or, alternatively, z = 1/(1 - Delta) - 1), the value of the
angular-size distance (in units of the Hubble length) at the maximum,
and the value of the angular-size distance for eta=0 ("Dyer-Roeder" or
"ZKDR" distance, i.e. completely empty beam between observer and
observed). The columns are for various values of Omega. The last one
is for infinite Omega, i.e. presumably the limit of the corresponding
function for large Omega. However, in the second and third rows for
this column, Omega itself appears. How can the value for infinite Omega
depend on Omega? Maybe it means an approximation for large Omega? But
that doesn't seem to make sense, since it is clear that both quantities
decrease with increasing Omega (as can be seen from the table, and also
analytically), but the formula for Omega = 10 gives values which are
larger than those in the table for Omega = 10.

Maybe one or both cases are misprints. (The numbers are the same in the
original as in the translation.)
